7 affirmations to gain confidence now cover image

7 Affirmations To Gain Confidence NOW

Feeling unsure of yourself lately? It’s perfectly human to feel insecure at times. Even the most confident person can fall victim to feelings of self-doubt. 

woman with natural hair smiling with confidence in the mirror

We all need Faithfirmations (Faith Affirmations) every now and then to remind us of who we are. 

Here are 7 Affirmations to Gain Confidence NOW: 

1. “I Am Filled With Gratitude.”

The fastest way to obtain more abundance in your life, is to exhibit gratefulness for the blessings you already have. 

When life gets tough, speak these words and remind yourself to be grateful. This way, you can be confident that your circumstances are working out in your favor. 


confident young woman with natural hair deep in thought

2. "I Was Made For This and God Doesn’t Make Mistakes."

Self-Confidence can be defined as the faith or belief in your own abilities or qualities. With it comes an assurance of your capability and a feeling of certainty. 

But sometimes we let ourselves down. We mess up and make poor decisions from time to time. 

Instead of letting this diminish your confidence, remember that a power greater than you is always in control. You may not be perfect, but God is. 


3. "No One Can Be Who I Am. No One Can Do What I Do Exactly How I Do It."

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Everyone has blessings, struggles, strengths, and weaknesses.  So, focus on your blessings and keep the faith through pain and hardship. 

Think of it this way--our body parts look different and do different things. Your elbow can’t pick up things like your fingers can, but you need it! Your stomach is a lot bigger than your mouth, but both are vital in the eating and digestion process.

 You don’t have to look or act like someone else to be great. You are needed and necessary just the way you are. 

 african american woman taking a selfie on her phone with confidence

4. "I’m Trying My Best and That Means I’m Doing a Good Job."

There’s nothing more detrimental to confidence than negative self-talk. Even when you feel like you can’t do something, tell yourself that all you have to do is try. 

If you give a task your best effort, that’s as much as anyone can do.

Many of the most successful people in life reach their full potential, not because they’re perfect, but because they tried. 


5. "Knowledge is Power. I’m Learning More and More Everyday."

Experience can be our best teacher. Instead of aiming for perfection, strive to learn something new.

If things don’t go the way you expected, or you’re not where you want to be in life, this affirmation will build your faith.

 The longer it takes you to achieve something, the more you will learn and be prepared for when you finally reach your goal.


confident mom reading a story to her daughters in the park


6. "I Am Proud of How Far I’ve Already Come."

A lot of self-doubt arises when you place your focus on what you haven’t done. You can shift your mindset and gain confidence by looking back on where you used to be.

Consider how much you’ve grown over the years. You should be proud of your progress.

Maybe you’re on an uphill climb in life right now. You might have a long way to go. But you’ll get there if you keep going.

And you have no idea what’s on the other side of that mountain. It could be something amazing! 


7. "Let’s Take a Chance"

Confidence is a feeling of certainty, but most things in life aren’t certain. The best way to feel assured and capable, is to acknowledge the risk in your efforts.

When you make an attempt at something, there’s always a chance that it’ll work out, and there’s always a chance that it won’t.

The only way to know what the outcome will be is to take the chance and find out. 

affirmations confidence faithfirmations mental wellness

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